16 Examples of Public Safety

Last Updated on May 11, 2022 by Fair Punishment Team

Public safety is a system of rules and regulations imposed by society which aim to reduce the risk to the lives, safety and quality of life of those living within a society.

A large amount of government money is invested into public safety to ensure it is provided across all areas of society.

Some examples of public safety services provided by governing bodies include: public security, emergency services, the judicial system, intelligence services, customs and border control, transport safety, food safety, public health initiatives, consumer protection, cybersecurity, emergency management, safety culture, nanny state, urban planning, occupational health initiatives and different types of public infrastructure.

Read on below to find out about the 16 Examples of Public Safety which help to keep our communities safe and healthy. 

Examples of public safety services

1. Public security

Public security/safety refers to services such as the police force and other similar services. 

2. Emergency services

Emergency services include ambulances, firefighters and other similar services which are trained to respond to serious life or death situations promptly. 

3. Judicial system

The judicial system incorporates courts, prisons and rehabilitation programs which aim to place offenders back into society safely. 

4. Intelligence services

Intelligence services protect national security by combining the efforts of the police, security services and other related agencies to oversee, analyse and report potential threats to public safety. 

5. Customs and border control 

Customs and border control services are very important for controlling the amount of people and supplies that move into a country, and for observing potential threats to public safety from abroad.

6. Occupational health

Occupational health services ensure that employees are safe in their working conditions. Safety regulations are put in place and workers’ rights (such as working hours and pay) are adhered to. 

7. Transport safety

Rules and regulations in transport safety, which include regular maintenance and safety checking operations, allow members of society to travel safely on public transport.

8. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity facilities allow the protection of information security from potentially threatening sources.

9. Public health

A robust healthcare system allows public health to be protected adequately with the existence of hospitals, medical laboratories and a variety of specialized clinics.

10. Public infrastructure

The existence of highways, roads and waterways keep public infrastructure intact. Engineering services also come under this bracket as they are deployed to fix broken bridges, roads, or other damaged structures which may cause harm to members of society.

11. Urban planning

Fire safety is a major concern of urban planning departments, and their expert knowledge allows them to implement building regulations and safe designs.

12. Food safety

Food standards and inspections in stores and restaurants ensure that the public are not at risk of disease from unsafe food supplies.

13. Safety culture

A strong culture of safety in communities allows members of the public to keep safety initiatives in mind. For example, safety initiatives are often reported in the media, which encourage people to look after themselves and one another.

14. Consumer protection

Rules and regulations surrounding the purchasing of goods are important to ensure consumer safety. For example, when buying electrical or mechanical goods, it is important that the product is free from defects to avoid safety issues.

15. Nanny state

Nanny state refers to the state’s ability to enact a decision based on assessed safety risk. For example, certain activities or sports can be banned due to a strong safety or health risk which has been agreed upon by the governing body. 

16. Emergency management

Emergency management is a term for the services which are trained to respond to community-wide emergencies such as natural disasters or disease outbreaks.

Emergency management services lead the preparation, training and coalition of emergency services in response to a disaster. 

Public safety services are significant in preventing risks to public safety and health. The 16 Examples of Public Safety above are just a few examples of some of the important agencies we have which allow us to function as an advanced society, which can prepare and respond to emergencies, ensure fairness and safety for all it’s members, and provide the comfortable first world life that we sometimes take for granted.