How Do I Know If My License Has Been Suspended?

Last Updated on May 11, 2022 by Fair Punishment Team

If you are an active driver, then there might be many things that may concern you. You might be concerned as to whether or not you drive safely on the roads at night.

You might wonder whether or not you can drink a certain amount of alcohol and still be allowed to drive.

You might be concerned as to how often you can drive at a certain speed without getting yourself into trouble.

This is why you must make sure that you know what exactly is expected of you when you are driving across the United States and ensure that you don’t break any laws whilst doing so.

You must know what can occur that can end up with you losing your license and how to deal with it if you have lost it.

You might be wondering “how do I know if my license is suspended” – by reading this article you will find out all you need to know about how to ensure your license is not suspended and you are able to travel across the United States as easily as you like.

How Do I Know If My License Has Been Suspended

How Do I Know If My License Has Been Suspended?

First of all, let’s start by explaining something that is fairly obvious but which you must also know about in order to ensure that you don’t end up losing your ability to drive– how do you find out if your license has been suspended?

The simple answer is that finding out whether or not your license has been suspended or not varies from state to state.

There are certain things that can get your license suspended in one state that don’t in another. Similarly, the method to find out if your license has been suspended or not varies from state to state.

To begin with, it’s best to check your driving record in order to see if you have been suspended from driving or not.

Your driving record is a document held by both state and federal government which contains details relating to your driving license and your ability to drive – for example the date that you applied for your license, where your license is registered to and if you have convictions in connection to your license.

Getting a hold of your license isn’t too difficult though it requires you to get in touch with your local DMV office.

Your DMV office will hold all records relating to driving records so it is important to contact them if you wish to get a hold of your driving record.

Most DMV websites can be reached via the national US government website and most DMV websites will allow you to either order the form online, request a mail in form or tell you where you have to go get your driving record in person.

This is because different states will allow you to do different things. For example, some states will be perfectly happy for you to order your driving record online whilst other states will want to mail in a form requesting your driving record and some will only allow you to get your driving record if you go there in person.

This process can of course take some time, particularly if you in a state in which you have to go in person to collect your driving record.

Equally, you will likely have to pay a fee of between $5 and $15, which might feel like a waste of time if your driving record shows that you haven’t had your license suspended.

An alternative way to check to see if your license has been suspended or not it to simply ask your local DMV office and ask them directly if your license has been suspended.

Whilst they might not always give out such information, if the first method seems too time consuming or expensive it is always worth trying.

Many states provide such information online or in person, again depending on how the state deals with driving license suspensions.

If you can’t get anywhere with the DMV, it is worth checking to see if you have received a copy of your suspension letter.

If you have been suspended from having a driving license, then a letter will be likely mailed out to you explaining why you license has been suspended and how you can go about either arguing against the suspension at a hearing or how you can get your license reinstated.

Finding out if your license has been suspended or not can seems somewhat stressful at first but it is worth if it you can at least know what the status of your license is.

Getting Your License Back

If you discover that your license has been revoked, then you will of course want to get your license back as soon as possible.

You should be able to do this by either waiting for the time that your license has been suspended to elapse (for most none serious traffic violations that result in your license being suspended your license will likely only be suspended for between sixty to ninety days), file an appeal against your suspension, ask for a hearing, enquire about driving school or apply for a hardship license in case you need to drive for work and would lose your job without your licence.

It is usually best to simply wait for the time that your license has been suspended for to elapse to ensure that you can simply pick up your license where you left off.

However, some states may insist that you take a driving school course in order to get your license back, so it is always best to find out whether or not this is a requirement in the state that you live in.

Getting Your License Back

Making Sure You Don’t Get Your License Suspended

Driving is not only important for everyday life, but it is, when done properly, an exciting and enjoyable activity.

However enjoyable it is though; it is always important to ensure that you do not do anything that breaks traffic laws or that sees you endanger yourself or others.

Ensuring that you don’t lose your driving license means knowing what the safest way to drive is and making sure that you do it.

Doing something that could end up costing you your license, if only for a short time, might not only hurt you but your loved ones and other people.

So make sure that you follow the rules of the road correctly to ensure that you don’t end up losing your license.