How To Find Easement Information On A Property

Last Updated on May 11, 2022 by Fair Punishment Team

Are you purchasing a property and want to know more about its easement?? Perhaps your property has an easement and you aren’t sure where to get the information from?

Or maybe you are curious and want to know more? Whatever your reason might be, we have the answer for you! 

When it comes to purchasing a property, you want to ensure that everything is perfect.

You want it to be the ideal home for you and your family, or a fantastic rental opportunity to top up your income. And an easement can threaten your chance at perfection.

You see it written in a property description and start to wonder, what is an easement?

You search and search, trying to find more information about them generally and in relation to the property, but each time you search, you come up empty-handed. 

Stressed, frustrated, and a little defeated, you start to wonder if you will ever get the answers that you want.

Perhaps knowing more about easements just isn’t part of your life journey and you resign yourself to letting your dream home go. 

Well, no more! Today we are here with the answers that you need. Keep reading to find out what an easement is and how you can find out easement information for a property.

Get ready to become an easement information expert today!

What Is Easement Information?

Before we get into it, let’s have a quick recap for those in the room that need it! An easement allows a third party the right to use your property for a particular reason.

Easement information will include the information about this, usually stating who the third party is and what purpose they are entering your property is. 

How To Find Easement Information On A Property

Easements can include a third party passing the property on foot, or with vehicles. It can also be a right to pass for utility services and can include access through your property, over or under it.

It can also allow neighbors access to your property when needed to carry out repairs on their property.

For example, this could be to reach a part of their roof to carry out repairs or fix a wall boundary between the two properties. 

It is important to note that although an easement provides another party with access to your property, it does not allow them to prevent you from occupying or using your property unless it interferes with the easement.

The third-party will also not have exclusive use of your property.

Generally speaking, easements are usually for maintenance, utility, or emergency access. It usually refers to your garden or yard too, rather than someone walking through your bedroom! 

You can find out more about the easement in the easement information. Easement information will explain in detail what the easement for your property is.

It will detail which part of the property is accessible and if there are any limitations caused by this.

For example, it might mean not planting shrubs in one part of your garden, or keeping your driveway clear.

The information will also state who has access to your property, so you must read your easement information. 

When purchasing a property, you should be informed if there is an easement on the property. It’s best to get as much information as possible to help you determine if you should purchase the property or not.

Finding out more about the easement will inform you if the easement is a burden or not and allow you to decide if the property is right for you. A real estate agent or the current owner of the property should be able to provide you with this information.

Once you own the property, it is up to you to make yourself aware of the easement and understand all the information relating to the easement. 

Now that we have covered what an easement is, let’s move on and find out where you can find this information. 

How To Find Easement Information On A Property 

How To Find Easement Information On A Property

Let’s get straight into it! You can find out easement information on a property by checking the property deed.

The deed will have all the details that we mentioned earlier, providing you with the information that you need about the easement.

It will state the public or private usage rights of the property and ensure that you are fully aware of the easement. 

For those that own their property, you can find the deed in the closing paperwork when you purchase the property. If it isn’t there or you have lost the deed, you can get a copy from county records.

Each county and state operates its record department slightly differently, so be sure to speak to yours to find out more information about added costs or to answer any queries that you have. 

You can also find out information about an easement through a realtor. They can order a title report that will describe any easements.

You can request this during the purchase process, allowing you to find out about the easement beforehand. We recommend doing this to ensure that there are no surprises when the property is yours! 

Asking about easements and their information is vital to ensure that you have all the information about the property before deciding to proceed.

Often, a realtor will inform you of an easement when showing you the property, but this is not always the case.

You should be sure to ask about easements always, but especially if the property is near a beach, public path, or mountains.

Often, there will be an unmarked area of easement near your property allowing people to reach the beach or climb the mountain. 

You will want to be aware of these areas before you make the purchase. It is often worth speaking to the current property owners if that is possible.

Asking them about the easement and if it impacted them living at the property will provide you with insight and allow you to make a more informed decision.

Remember, it is always better to have as much information as possible when purchasing a property to avoid any surprises. 

Are Easements On Your Property A Bad Thing?

An easement on your property is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can impact your use of the property and its value, should you decide to sell.

Both of these factors depend on the type of easement that your property has, so be sure to check beforehand. 

If your property has a right of way, then you could be disrupted by the third party using the property.

You might find that vehicles run through your property, or spot a walker early in the morning while you walk to the bathroom.

You might also find that a right of way, especially through a garden area limits your use of it.

Often, you can work around these issues, but if the right of way is extremely busy, you might find that you are disrupted by people or noise pollution, both of which can impact your quality of life.  

Depending on the easement, it can also impact the value of the property.

Sometimes, you can agree with the party involved with the easement to vary the route to avoid a loss of value, but this isn’t always the case. Again, this will vary depending on the easement and how busy the right of way is. 

For those purchasing a property, it’s best to speak to the seller or realtor to find out as much information as possible about the easement.

You will also want to take advice from a valuer to find out if the easement can impact the value. Once you have this information, it is best to carefully consider if you want to purchase the property or not.

This is not a decision anyone can make for you, so be sure to weigh up your options and do what is right for you!

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it, you can find out all you need to know about an easement in the property deed or by contacting your realtor if you don’t own the property yet.

Doing so will allow you to learn more about the easement and decide if it will impact your quality of life at the property or not.

Remember to take advice from the current owners or valuers before deciding if the easement is one that you can live with or not!