What Is A Class C Felony?

Last Updated on May 11, 2022 by Fair Punishment Team

It is more complicated than a spider’s web in the U.S. Justice System. Instead of having one set body in place, America has a network of criminal justice systems. Understanding felony classifications, misdemeanor offenses, and what it all means is hugely important.

Unfortunately, getting to grips with U.S laws and sentencing guidelines is no easy feat. Don’t worry, for we have compiled this easy-to-understand guide to U.S criminal law. Read on to get all the key facts about the workings of the American Justice System. By the end of this guide you will have a firm understanding of must-know legalities and be able to impart your newfound wisdom of what qualifies as a Class C felony, its impact, and interesting facts surrounding the law.

What Is A Felon?

A felon is the term given to a person who commits a serious crime and is consequently convicted and charged of a felony.

What Is A Felony?

Basically a felony refers to a serious crime and results in imprisonment for at least a year. Felonies are classified from level A to E. They can be any kind of offense, but they usually carry some degree of violence and threat to society. The worst felony crime being murder.

A felony arrest is when an individual suspected of law violation is arrested. A felony charge refers to a person being officially charged with a felony. Once a formal charge is made. the commencement of legal proceedings can take place.

Wrongdoings that do not meet the criteria for imprisonment are categorized as either misdemeanors or citations.

To fully understand the definition of a Class C felony and its implications, we must first look at how a felony is classified.

Felony Classifications

Each U.S state has its own guidelines for categorizing felonies. These crimes are classified according to their seriousness, with levels ranging from A to E. The worst crimes always fall under Class A (sometimes referred to as Class 1). These include high-level offenses such as first-degree murder. Classifying a crime is a crucial tool for ensuring an offender receives the appropriate sentence. In short, Class A felonies are as bad as it gets. Each following letter represents a crime that lessens in its severity.

Felony crimes include:

  • Drugs – Drug involvement such as selling and trafficking.
  • Property – Includes offenses such as arson, theft, and vandalism to properties.
  • Sex – Includes sexual attacks/assault/rape and sex trafficking.
  • Violence – This deals with a variety of offenses such as armed robbery, robbery, physical assaults and murder (first and second-degree).
  • White collar – Handles cases of embezzlement, fraud, and tax evasion.

What Are Class C Felony Crimes?

These are ranked as the third highest in severity and are penalties for terrible offenses. Extreme crimes like arson, armed robbery, kidnapping, manslaughter and murder are ranked as Class C felonies.

Felony Sentencing Facts

Other factors can determine the outcome of felony sentencing. Repeat offenders can expect a harsher sentence, as do crimes that carry high levels of violence On the flip side, a first-time and non-violent offense can result in a lesser sentence.

What Is Felony Expungement?

Felony expungement is the term used to describe a felony charge being removed from a person’s criminal record. As you might imagine, felony expungements are near-impossible to attain. Individuals who are serial law-breakers and those involved in very serious and violent crimes are unlikely to be considered for eligibility.

In order for a felony to be dropped, a solid case jam-packed with mitigating factors must be presented to the court’s prosecution. Such criteria may include first-time offenses, self-defense, a lack of violence, and a long-term turnaround in the offender’s subsequent behavior whilst on parole.

The Impact Of Having A Criminal Record

Being convicted and charged of a Class C felony has massive implications. The fallout stretches far beyond any punishment that is imposed. Even after a prison sentence has ended, a Class C felon can expect continual challenges. Having a Class C felony prevents the law-breaker from ever getting a decent job. A felony of this nature removes any rights to vote. Furthermore, the chances of securing any custody rights are minimal. Basically a class C felony translates as a lifetime of obstacles and limitations.

It is understandable for society to take a dim view on people who commit felonies. Should a person go to great efforts to change their behavior and become an upstanding citizen, they will still encounter problems. An individual with a Class C felony charge has to accept judgement and suspicion as a fact of life.

Moreover, once a person is charged with a felony, they are considered a potential risk for life. Any future encounters with bad behavior comes with serious consequences. Any signs of trouble amounts to the book being thrown at them (metaphorically speaking).

Future offenses (no matter how minor) will carry maximum punishment that can be legally enforced.

Can A Class C Felony Be Reduced To A Misdemeanor?

Occasionally, a felony is dropped to a misdemeanor level. However, this depends on the seriousness of the crime. Certain offenses can never be eligible for appeal in either federal or state law.

It is possible to reduce a Class C felony to a misdemeanor in special circumstances. This is done through a plea bargain. The individual would first need the help of a good criminal defense attorney. Negotiations are made with the prosecutor, whereby the defendant accepts liability for the offense in order for the punishment to be reduced.

The charge can also be reduced to misdemeanor if initial errors were made by the arresting officers or investigations. Such mistakes could indicate the felony charge to be inaccurate and reduced to a misdemeanor class instead.


A Class C felony is the charge designated to a criminal for committing a major crime. A Class C felony always comes with a prison sentence. Violence is almost always involved. Offenses vary widely from bribery, criminal tampering, and armed burglary, to arson, negligent homicide, and murder. Incarceration can range anywhere between 1 – 20 years, for both federal and state prisons.

In short, it pays to be good!